Saturday, August 25, 2012


So Steve & I have made a decision...we've decided that if I'm not pregnant by the end of 2012, we're going to pursue the process of adoption.  Wow...just typing it out....makes it feel more real...scary, exciting, & out there for you all to know please start praying! :)

And now for the favor....for those of you who have been through this process or are going through this process...please impart all knowledge & wisdom!  We don't really know where to begin...

The 2 things we DO know: we want to adopt internationally & we want to adopt from China.

I know what you're all soon as we start the adoption process, I'll get pregnant.  Probably, because sometimes that's just how the Lord works...and that would be great.  If that does happen, we still want to adopt, we would just have to postpone the process.

Thank you to all of you who are already praying & have been so encouraging through this long life-changing process.  We are truly grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your family. God is so great to answer our prayers. Interesting how he works sometimes though. His answers are not always what we want to hear or in the timing we want, but He never fails to answer. I pray for His will to be done in your family.


Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate your comments as they encourage my heart.


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