Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Gail...thanks for 8 years of friendship...which has included countless trips to Disneyland, singing JT songs at the top of our lungs, dancing, Boston, and name a few highlights.  Now in just 155 days we get to celebrate one of the best days of your life....your wedding day!!  I am so honored and can't wait to see what God does through your marriage.  Here's to more travels and many more years of friendship!!

Dear Auntie Holls...thank you for doing Claire's hair all cute and sassy.  She loves it and I'm grateful for less tangles!!  Thanks also for cutting my hair all cute and sassy today!!  I love it and am thankful for how easy it will be!!

Dear House...I will miss you and all the fun walking trails around you.  I'm sad to pack up and move out of you, but you've been an awesome house for the last 1.5 years.  The Lord definitely did great things in our lives while we've lived here and I'm super thankful!!

Dear Super Bowl...thanks for the entertainment...especially Beyonce....but mostly thank you for putting my daughter to sleep early for once!!

Dear Claire...thank you for being so brave this week!  Normally you're not, so I was so proud to see you jump from Daddy's dresser to the bed...all on your own with out much encouragement!  Yea girl!  However...I've maybe given you some bad ideas...Grammy said you climbed on top of Popper's truck while you were there the other day...oops!!

 Dear Dad...thanks for being so amazing with my girl!  She loves you like crazy!!  However, you had her a little worried the other day...when you said, "Whoever doesn't have the cutest hair after Holly cuts it has to buy In-N-Out."  She was so concerned that she didn't have any money!!  Oh well...the cute hat and milkshake (that eventually ended up all over her face and body) made up for the anxiety you caused!!

Linking up with Ashley


  1. Cute post! Wonderful things to be thankful for! So nice to have long term friendships. Where are you moving to?

  2. Your little girl is adorable. Yay for cute and sassy hair cuts!


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