Showing posts with label Claire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claire. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2014


I've made a list of my Top 10 favorite memories from 2013, & my number 6 goes well beyond just one memory and one year.  It is something I'm still experiencing weekly.

At the beginning of 2013, I told the Lord I wanted to be READY for any and all things He was going to do in my life that year.  At the beginning of the year, I had a very specific list of things I told Him I was ready for.  But as the year went on, I began to see ways He wanted me to be ready...ways I was not completely prepared for.

One thing we began to pray about last February was what school(s) should we consider for Claire.  There are so many options here in San Diego...our neighborhood school, Christian school, home school, home school part-time go to school part-time, charter was a bit overwhelming.  As I began to research, I started to realize that if I continue my job in full-time church ministry, I would be on a completely different schedule than Claire!  I'd be working on the weekends when she'd be off from school.  Summers were always a hectic time in children's ministry, which is when Claire would be home from school.

Steve & I began to pray harder about what we should do.  There's a part of me that would love to stay home & home school, but I knew we weren't ready for that.  Teaching was something I had done for 4 years before Claire was born & I'd always said I'd love to go back to it when all our kids were school age.  Well, since we haven't been able to have any more kids, I decided to start looking into going back to teaching.

Long story short, I got hired at the school where I'd previously taught, Literacy First Charter School, annnndddd...Claire got into one of the kindergarten classes!  Her teacher, Mrs. Todd, and I used to teach 3rd grade together for 3 years and I've always just LOVED her!

I am so overwhelmed with God's goodness to our family in this way.  I never take for granted the fact that I get to be on the same campus as Claire every day and be home with her on her days off.  With Steve's schedule always different and changing, this is our constant.

I love that Claire comes to my classroom during her breaks and that my students know her..."Hi Claire!" they all say when she comes in.  She pretends to be embarrassed, but loves the attention from the big kids!  Her classroom is the next hallway over from mine, when she goes to after school care, she's 2 doors down from my classroom.  I've been able to watch her grow and develop her friendship and I'm so proud of the friend choices she's making.  She's become so confident in who she is as a person, and I've been able to watch it all first hand!

I don't know how long the Lord will keep us in this place, but for now it's good.  And I'm so grateful.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


I've made a list of my top 10 favorite things & memories from 2013.  These are not in any particular order, just depends on what I feel like writing here's #8:

Celebrating is something our family really likes to do & do well.  We don't have a very big extended family, but we love to celebrate everyone's birthdays in some way.  Now that our family has grown through marriages & babies, we combine birthday parties...which just makes it more fun!  Since Claire & my cousin's boy are just 2 weeks apart, they usually get to celebrate their birthdays together & this last year we celebrated the big FIVE with a pool party!

Swimming is always better with friends!

On the night before her actual birthday, Steve & I decorated Claire's room, so she woke up to balloons & streamers everywhere!

Then we ran off to the DONUT store for her favorite kind of sugary breakfast.  Oh yum!

Daddy's favorite little Goof Nugget.

Later in the day we headed to the San Diego County Fair...Claire's request.

Her highlight was holding the baby pig...oh my...she still talks about wanting one for a pet!

A few days after her actual birthday, we went to the American Girl store in LA.  Oh my word...I don't know who was more excited, me or Claire!  It was 2 stories of pure doll magic!  We can't wait to go back again.

She chose Julie, but renamed her Sarah because she looks like Auntie Katie's friend, Sarah. :)

I'm so thankful for our sweet girl & the 5+ years we've been a family.  She's the biggest blessing and joy in our lives.  We love how smart, caring, thoughtful, silly, brave, & loving she is.  Her biggest desire in life is to be a big sister...hoping the Lord blesses her with becoming one soon!

**My friend had just taken her daughter to the AG store a week or two before us and her advice to me was to go online and pick out the doll Claire wanted before going to the store!  Great advice....and I'd give that advice to anyone planning a trip there.  It just makes it a lot less overwhelming (for everyone) & easier to stay focused on the goal!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Weekend,  Thank you for being so relaxing and fun for us.  We loved watching Christmas movies all day Saturday!

Dear Mickey, Thank you for making my girls day.  And you look super cute in your sweater and Santa hat!

 Dear Claire, Stop growing up!!  Seriously, 3 teeth in 5 days??  Nothing like the constant reminders that you're not going to stay little.

Dear Mistletoe, Thank you for making Christmas such a magical time of year for my girl.  I'm dreading you leaving in a few days!

Dear Sister, Thank you for going to see the cutest movie with us!  We always love spending time with you.

Dear Students, Thank you for getting me awesome gifts!

 Dear Christmas Break,  Thank you for finally arriving.  But PLEASE, go slow.

Linking up with Ashley

Saturday, December 14, 2013

on my heart.

 John 15:16
This week was rough.  It was one of those when-is-this-week-going-to-end kind of weeks.  One of those weeks where I probably complained too much, I know I didn't always have the best attitude, and was feeling sorry for myself for a lot of it.  Yuk.  I don't really like myself like that (who does, really?!?).

I had to be at school each day by 7:15, which means Claire had to be there by 7:15.  She was so tired by the end of it all, she was an emotional wreck! 

My students just know that Christmas break is around the corner.  They were chatty, and rude to each other, impatient, and said a lot of unkind things.  And that exhausts me.  But I can't really blame them...we all kinda need a break.

We had our school Christmas program last night.  We've been practicing for weeks.  All week, it felt like our part was just falling a part.  The kids were tired of rehearsing, so they were pushing each other in their rows, not singing, shout-singing, and just being kids!

I feel like I have a completely unorganized classroom, which overwhelms me.  I missed a couple deadlines this week and just felt like I was letting people down by not pulling my weight.

My house is a disaster.  Laundry desperately needs to be done.  Dishes stayed in the dishwasher for days, which means dirty dishes stacked by the sink.  Homework's been an afterthought. Papers need to be graded because I sure don't want to grade them over Christmas break!  Christmas cards have been addressed, but now need to be stuffed and mailed.  The last few gifts need to be wrapped so I can clean up my wrapping mess.

But this morning....the morning I could actually stay in bed a little later and sleep a little longer...I woke right up at 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep.  All the things of the week were whirling around in my heart.  I kept thinking of little moments from the week.  And all of a sudden, I knew it was all from the Lord. I have so many thoughts going on right now...I'm trying to get them all written here...

My first thought was...even though I couldn't wait for this week to be over, if I had to, I'd do it all over again.  Through all the crazy overwhelmingness of this week, I realized how much I care for and love my students.  Each of them.  Right where they are in their little lives.

Our Christmas program was incredible last night.  I didn't get to see the whole thing, but I did see my 4th graders belting out Christmas songs about Jesus, our Savior...Joy to the World, The First Noel, Carol of the Bells...yes, these songs, at the PUBLIC school where I teach.  And they were awesome, I feel so proud!

Even though Claire had a long hard week, we were able to spend a lot of quality time together.  She loves talking about Christmas, and wants to keep reading the stories of Jesus' birth in her Jesus Storybook Bible.  It makes my heart so happy to see her falling in love with Jesus, understanding the reason for His birth, and daily thanking Him for the blessings He's given to her.

Steve has been amazing this week...helpmate.  That's what he's been.  Never complained once about the million tasks I've asked of him.  Patiently listened to me complain.  Daily made my lunch and took care of Claire's schoolwork and schedule.  I am so grateful.

This year, at the beginning of 2013, I asked the Lord for a word for the year.  I felt the word Ready laid on my heart.  The Lord told me that there were going to be a lot of changes in my life in 2013, and He wanted me to be ready for any and all of them.  So I knew this year would be hard, I shouldn't even be surprised at how difficult this week was for me.  But I got through it, each day with the Lord.  I made mistakes.  But I also ministered, loved the unlovable, tried to be very patient, had tough conversations with people, talked about character, read the Christmas story, inadvertently shared my faith, and tried help students think of others besides themselves.

If I had to do it all over again, I would.  I'm so thankful for His new mercies, for me, my family, my class.  And I'm so thankful that my mercies can be new next week when I do all these things again.

Monday, November 11, 2013

we went to Florida

Claire & I had the last week of October off from we planned a trip to Florida to see our family.  My cousin's son & Claire totally hit it off when they met in September, so we wanted to go see him again and give the kids another opportunity to spend time together.  It was fantastic.  Claire & Lincoln truly love each other and I'm so thankful we took this opportunity to GO!

We went to "Mickey's not-so-scary Halloween Party" at Disney World.  I haven't been to DW since I was 9, so I loved that we were able to take Claire there.  We have Disneyland passes, but it was fun to compare the her it was all the same!  

We went on Space Mountain 3 times...Claire braved it with us the last 2 times...that's my girl!
Autopia...old's been updated at DL, but it was fun to ride the vintage, original ride.

2 minutes before this pic, she was literally melting...this ride gave her the second wind she needed!

Daddy & Rapunzel

waiting for the parade....another meltdown in the works

Cinderella's castle...and fun Halloween fireworks show
 Claire's been into mermaids lately, so when we decided to go to Florida, I knew we HAD to take her to Weeki Wachee to see the real mermaids!  My sis Holly & I LOVED this show when we were kids. 

highlight of the trip...
we went and saw Despicable Me 2 at the $1 theater...I wish we had one here in SD!!

hubby got to go wakeboarding 2 different times at the OWC.  I seriously wish we had a cable park in San Diego...this would make Steve's life complete!
we got to pick Lincoln up at school one day...obviously Claire was excited about that!
 Halloween...with a cute ladybug and Ross Lynch.

 We had the best time...and when we got home, we got the news that Lincoln and his parents would be spending Christmas and New Year's with us this year!  We're all so excited.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Husband...I miss you!!  I am so thankful you've had work...but 8 days is a long time to be a single momma.  Come HOME!  And PS...thank you for sacrificing so much to take care of us!!  I love you so much more for it & am always so blown away by your creativity & lighting skills.

Dear Claire Bear...your little missing tooth is so darn cute, but PLEASE stop growing up.  It's seriously going by way too fast.  I am so proud of the little lady you are becoming.  And I love getting to watch you at are blossoming & becoming so confident in your own skin.  I love it!

Dear Gavin...thank you for another amazing album.  Seriously...I think this one is my fave.  Especially Need.  So good!

Dear Claire...yes you get two this time...I love snuggling with you, but I don't sleep well with you.  As much as you are a snuggler, you are also a thrasher!  Good thing you're so adorable in your sleep!

Dear 4th're kicking my booty...but I'm loving (almost) every minute of it!!

Linking up with Ashley at the sweet season


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