Showing posts with label Mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mom. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2014

my word

The last couple years I've chosen a word to keep me focused for the upcoming year.  You can read about those words here.  I started praying several weeks ago about what word the Lord would give me for 2014...what did He want me to focus on?

An idea kept coming to mind, a word that I kept thinking of that I wanted to be more of.  But I wasn't thinking of it as my word of 2014.  Finally, one day during Christmas break, I had my long list of things I wanted to get done.  They weren't all things that needed to get done, they were just things on my agenda, things I could cross off my to-do list...honestly, I couldn't tell you what one of those things were off my list.

Claire kept asking to go to the park, play dolls, color, do puzzles...all the things she likes to do with other people.  Steve kept talking to me about some things he'd been thinking about, things that weren't so important to me, but obviously were important to him.  I kept telling both of them, "In a minute..." or "Let me just get these couple things done," and at the end of the day, I realized the things on my list were accomplished, but I hadn't spent time with those I love most. 

Well, of course I'd spent time with them...we'd had meals, gotten ready together, engaged in extremely casual conversation...but I hadn't been intentional in my time with them.  I hadn't put them at the top of my priority list.  All my to-do's seemed much more important at the time.  But what was truly most important was being intentional in my relationships, not my silly list of to-do's...again, I couldn't tell you one thing that was written on that list!

So my word(s) for 2014 is to be my marriage, as a mom, sister, daughter, friend, teacher, Christ follower. 

From one of my favorite authors, Shauna Niequist:

Present over perfect
Quality over quantity
Relationship over rushing
People over pressure
Meaning over mania 

Present Over Perfect Print

home   >   The Shauna Shop   >   Present Over Perfect Print


Present Over Perfect Print

In a blog post from last Christmas, author Shauna Niequist writes:
Present over perfect.Quality over quantity.
Relationship over rushing.

People over pressure.
Meaning over mania.

Hang this print or gift to a friend – keep in mind what truly matters this season!
• 8" x 10" digital print on thick cardstock
• Printed locally & lovingly
• Lettering by Lindsay Sherbondy
• Original quote by Shauna Niequist
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Between Us Canvas Bread & Wine Art Print Dinner's at Six Canvas Download // Between Us Print
Present over perfect.Quality over quantity.
Relationship over rushing.

People over pressure.
Meaning over mania
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Present Over Perfect Print

home   >   The Shauna Shop   >   Present Over Perfect Print


Present Over Perfect Print

In a blog post from last Christmas, author Shauna Niequist writes:
Present over perfect.Quality over quantity.
Relationship over rushing.

People over pressure.
Meaning over mania.

Hang this print or gift to a friend – keep in mind what truly matters this season!
• 8" x 10" digital print on thick cardstock
• Printed locally & lovingly
• Lettering by Lindsay Sherbondy
• Original quote by Shauna Niequist
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Between Us Canvas Bread & Wine Art Print Dinner's at Six Canvas Download // Between Us Print
Present over perfect.Quality over quantity.
Relationship over rushing.

People over pressure.
Meaning over mania
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- See more at:
Present over perfect.Quality over quantity.
Relationship over rushing.

People over pressure.
Meaning over mania
- See more at:
Present over perfect.Quality over quantity.
Relationship over rushing.

People over pressure.
Meaning over mania
- See more at:
Present over perfect.Quality over quantity.
Relationship over rushing.

People over pressure.
Meaning over mania
- See more at:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Gramma...thanks for letting us stay at your house last week before we could move into our new home.  Your home will always be more home to me than anywhere else I could ever live.

Dear High School Friends...I love that we still  hang out, laugh, and have so much fun celebrating each other even 16 years after graduation.  I love you all.
 Dear Pauma Valley...thank you for being so beautiful.  I love driving to you to go to my family's farm.  You've been so good to 5 generations of us and I'm grateful.

 Dear are an awesome baseball player...although we knew you would be from the time you were about 1 year old. 

Dear Cousins...thank you for getting along so well.  I love watching you all hang out together.

Dear Del Mar/Pacifica Cafe...thanks for the amazing views and gorgeous weather.  My sis and I had fun catching up in your sunshine and the food was amazing too.  I'll be back soon.

Dear Mom...I'm so thankful for the way you do ministry with Dad.  I know there have been some tough years, but overall, the fruit of your labor and sacrifices have changed many lives for Jesus.  I'm so proud that you're my Mom and am praying for you right now while you're on your way to Ecuador.  Thank you for loving me and my little family the way you do.

Dear Katie...I know I was your third choice since Dad was busy and your hubs was out of town, but thanks for choosing me to be the one to take you to purchase your first car!!  It's super cute...and you didn't even stall!!  You've wanted Pippa for 3 years now and I'm so glad you finally got her!!

Dear New Home...I did not enjoy the process of moving into you, but each day as we get more and more settled, I like you more...I may even start to love you soon.  

Linking up with Ashley for Friday's Letters

Monday, February 27, 2012


Ethia-opy is what Claire was calling Ethiopia this morning. :)  For those of you who know my family, you know Ethiopia has become a big part of our lives.  We sponsor a little girl there through Compassion International, and for those of you who know my Dad, you know he's there almost as much as he's in the USA!  We call it his home away from home.  Anyway, he's there right now with e3 Partners, who he and my Mom serve with, and he just sent the most incredible update email of the ministry that's going on there...thought I'd post it for those of you who might be interested...

Unbelievable day!  We visited in 4 different homes today with people who had all been trained last April to find out how they've done since then.  We were all overwhelmed with how faithful they've been in sharing the gospel, leading people to Christ, starting new churches and going to more communities to find a person of peace for the purpose of starting "2nd generation" churches.
me, Dad, Pastor (can't remember his name), Mom, & Katie in Ethiopia in 2007.
Home #1:  A young Orthodox Priest was led to Christ by a born again Orthodox Priest privately witnessing to him in Orthodox Bible School.  He's now leading church in his home and has started planting 2 more churches in unreached areas.  And...he's ALWAYS smiling...Jesus radiates from him!

Home #2:  A woman's husband went to prison, got saved came home and led his family to Christ.  Since then they've started a church in their home and have planted another in a different part of their larger town.
typical Ethiopian mud hut
Home #3:  An Ethiopian evangelist who had never led a church took our training and went home to start a multiplying church.  Soon he'd led nearly 20 to Christ, gathered them together for worship and instruction and trained them to go to other villages and follow his example.  10 other areas are targeted and have young Christian evangelists working hard to begin new churches.
this mom was SO pregnant, I'm sure she birthed the child right there in the field, as there weren't any clinics around.
Home #4:  In a village 1/2 hour drive from town a farmer who was saved, came to our training and while walking home heard the Lord speak to him to plant churches in his village of 2,500.  He wasn't sure how, but trusted God to lead him.  Not many days later he heard a loud commotion in a neighboring hut.  He went and found many people gathered around a woman who was demon possessed and close to death.  She'd tried everything for help...Orthodox Priests, witch doctor...but nothing helped.  He proclaimed to all who had gathered that only Jesus could deliver the woman.  He prayed and, not surprisingly, she was delivered and several came to faith in Christ. Since then, others have been miraculously healed, delivered from demonic possession and become followers of Christ.  A group of over 30 meet regularly...a "Mega Church" for this area!  And he now has several other villages that are targeted for new churches.

What a day!  We all are exhausted from praise and thanksgiving!
Katie & her translator helping someone get reading glasses at the eye clinic.
We don't always extend our trips to include "checking up" on churches that have been previously planted, but it sure was exciting to see how God continues the work of building His Church after we help start the process.  To Him alone belongs the Glory!!!

I love that my Dad has such a heart for missions!  Please pray for him and the team...God is moving in Ethia-opy!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentiny!

I love Valentine's Day...I always remember my Mom doing special things for my sister's and me.  My favorite were the delicious cookies she would make...yum!  When I was in college, my friends and I would always dress up and take pictures together.  Steve and I had our first official date on Valentine's in 2002.  I love this day of love!  Now that Claire Bear is 3, Valentine's Day takes on a whole new meaning.  For her party at preschool, I decided I wanted to make Valentine's to give to her friends, not just buy a standard pack of Barbie or princess cards.  I wish I could take credit for coming up with this idea, but I didn't...found it on the blog of someone way more creative than I am!
 I emptied 20 matchboxes...if anyone needs 600 matches let me know!
I went to Micheal's and JoAnn's and picked out scrapbook paper to wrap around the boxes.  They didn't have a very big selection of Valentine or heart paper, I was kinda disappointed, but it was still fun picking it out.  I also picked up fun ribbon to tie around the boxes.
Here are the boxes after phase one...all wrapped up!
And...the finished product.  I love how they turned out!  I filled them with pink, white, and red plain M&M's.
Claire and I had fun making all of our Valentine's for all of our favorite people!
My cute mini-Valentine!  She had so much fun passing out her Valentine's at school.  Of course she wanted to eat all her candy the minute I picked her up...she has such a sweet tooth!  Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!  Hope you have an extra LOVE-filled day!


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